Lay the Draw perfectly, using Bet Angel

Lay the draw – Betfair trading strategy One of the most well-known Betfair trading strategies, Lay the Draw, has been around almost since the day the Betfair exchange was launched yet it continues to remain very popular especially among new Betfair traders. In its simplest form lay the draw trading requires you do just that!…

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Smarter, Faster, Customisable Betfair trading

If you’re new to Betfair trading software like Bet Angel, but have used and are familiar with the Betfair exchange itself. The one-click betting screen of Bet Angel is great if you are familiar with the standard Betfair website. Most Betfair trading software includes something similar where the Betfair web site is replaced with a…

The post Smarter, Faster, Customisable Betfair trading appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.

Bookmakers, Matched Betting & Betfair Trading

When I started my Betfair trading career, I didn’t actually start sports trading immediately but I wasn’t gambling either. Instead, I was doing something not unlike what you would define as Matched betting. Though it wasn’t exactly the same way matched betting works in modern terms. it was a little different from that. But it…

The post Bookmakers, Matched Betting & Betfair Trading appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.