How bookmakers make money
Back when I was young, I stumbled into the world of bookmakers. I arrived there via the football pools. I didn’t really see punting on the football pools as gambling but thought I’d apply similar techniques at the bookmakers. But I soon realised there were a few problems doing this. It all revolved around one…
The post How bookmakers make money appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.
Betfair trading – Quitting my career to trade
By now you have probably the other parts of my journey but I will list them here for you: – Part one , Part two, Part three, Part four In this post, my decision to go into Betfair trading, and all those other things! Quitting a career, not just a job! So I had taken…
The post Betfair trading – Quitting my career to trade appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.
Going full time on Betfair – My Journey – Part 4
By now you have probably read part one, part two and part three of my sports trading journey. But this is the big one, the step up to Betfair trading for a living. The leap into the unknown So I was in my early 30’s, had a desire to work for myself, but was in a well-paid job and travelling…
The post Going full time on Betfair – My Journey – Part 4 appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.
Sports trading is born – My trading journey – Pt3
By now you have probably read part one and part two of my day trading journey, if not you can read them by clicking on the headlines left. This is the story of how I quit my well-paid job, despite having a young family; to pursue my dream of doing something a bit special. Though I never figured at…
The post Sports trading is born – My trading journey – Pt3 appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.
Becoming a full time Betfair trader – Part 2
Welcome to part two of my Betfair trading journey. You can read part one by clicking on this link. Over the course of these blogs, I will tell how I started from zero when betting exchanges were unheard of. How I quit my day job, started Betfair trading for a living. Then set up a…
The post Becoming a full time Betfair trader – Part 2 appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.
My Betfair trading journey – Part 1
The journey to becoming a successful full-time professional Betfair trader isn’t a short one and it has had some unexpected twists and turns, both personally and professionally. There are many hurdles and things I have had to take on to even make good trading decisions, stop losing money and grow my trading account. Over the…
The post My Betfair trading journey – Part 1 appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.
Football – Trading team news
It’s possible to trade football in a number of ways and one of the first ways I traded it was before the off, in a similar manner to the way I trade horse racing on Betfair. I love trading events before they start as the risk involved is minimal. The market is framed by opinion…
The post Football – Trading team news appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.
Advanced Variable Dutching Calculator
Dutching on betting markets – The Concept You may already be familiar with Dutching. But if you are not, here is the concept. When you place a back bet into a betting market or with a bookmaker or sportsbook you are doing traditional gambling. You are betting on something to win. If you don’t pick…
The post Advanced Variable Dutching Calculator appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.
Punting on Politics – UK General election
I have no idea why, but one of the markets I’ve collected data on over the years are Political betting markets. A bit unusual for somebody that is predominately into sports betting but you could say that politics will be one of the favourite sports over the dinner table at Christmas! The first market I…
The post Punting on Politics – UK General election appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.
Betfairs biggest-ever market!
What is the Betfair betting exchange’s biggest ever market? Ask people what is the biggest ever Betfair trading market ever and you will get a variety of answers. Horse racing never has the time to build up huge volume to get big enough. Only markets like the Grand National build volume pre race for a…
The post Betfairs biggest-ever market! appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.