A very effective F1 trading opportunity

Trading on Formula One racing may seem unusual, starting to trade even before the season has even started is even more unusual; but it can often present some really good opportunities. Like most markets, there is always a strategy that you can find which makes perfect sense and which doesn’t often require any specific detailed knowledge…

The post A very effective F1 trading opportunity appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.

Betfair Football trading – Who scores first?

Watch a football match and often you will see the outsider team take a ‘shock’ lead according to most sources. But as you should know by now, it’s something that occurs more often than you would think. How often does the away team score first? Goals, Goals, Goals! Football is, generally, a low scoring contest….

The post Betfair Football trading – Who scores first? appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.

Thank you Bet Angel customers – We love you!

The start Back in 2004, I did a series of presentations at Financial trader events. My role was to explain what I was doing on betting exchanges, basically trading them like financial markets. In the 90’s I’d been trading a lot on financial markets, but getting access to the same tools the professionals use was…

The post Thank you Bet Angel customers – We love you! appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.

Live racecourse data – On ANY trading interface

Since the Real-time GPS data from Total Performance Data (TPD) was integrated with Bet Angel it’s transformed the way many in-running traders who use Bet Angel have been able to trade in-play. For the first time, it’s been possible to automate their in-running trading strategies. By having the ability to now trigger bets using TPD’s…

The post Live racecourse data – On ANY trading interface appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.